Learn Why I’m So Passionate About Helping Business Owners
Hi, my name is Toby Hollington. I’m the creator of SMART business coaching. I have spent the last 20 years as an accountant, coach and business consultant.
I have worked hands-on with hundreds of business owners from many different industries while continuing to learn and develop my own skills. My fascination for helping people and my passion for business started way before this, though.
It All Started at School
I’m dyslexic (I just had to look that word up. Thank God for spellchecking!). Back then, schools weren’t very understanding of dyslexics. I was put into special classes, which I hated, and my classmates would laugh at me (kids can be so cruel!). In the end I lost interest in learning.
I recently dug out my last report from school. Here’s a quote that sums it up nicely:
“Toby is limited in academic skills, but he does little to help himself by adopting a lethargic and uncommitted approach in most subjects.”
I love the language here. It’s just a nice way of saying “Toby is stupid and lazy”. Lol! Well that’s the way I took it, and when enough people in authority tell you that you are stupid, you tend to believe it and take it on as your identity.
I did pass one exam, though. I managed to get a B in Business Studies! Even then I had a flair for business. But at that point I gave up on education and took a job in a cardboard box factory.